Driving a nice
car doesn’t make you a nice person.
Driving a big
strong truck doesn’t make you big and strong.
Driving a
beautiful sports car (yes, some machines are beautiful, in their own way,) doesn’t
make you beautiful.
Cars don’t
change who you are any more than clothes do. A piranha in a tutu is not a
ballerina. A rat in a $600 suit is still a rat (even if--especially if--a
banker.) You are who you are inside, no matter how you cover up. You may fool
me, but you can’t fool you.
Paint Your Car
for Eight Bucks!
Everyone likes
a shiny car. (Crows, too, like shiny objects. Also, they mate for life, for
better or worse.) Old cars can be made more socially acceptable with a gleaming
new paint job, no matter how much juice leaks out their guts. We like to
pretend there are no class distinctions in Disunited States, but fresh paint
makes your car more “classy,” or even “a classic.”
Your options:
A glittering high-class paint job from a skilled professional paint-inhaler
for, like, $2000. Or, the “budget” version: remember "Earl Scheib" ? In the 1970s, any car, $99.95, one-day service
(?!), quality impossible. The way they shellacked their workers was even worse.
(In 2010, the company dissolved like cheap varnish in a rainstorm; a true
American suck-cess story.)
Or: Do it
yourself for an $8 can of Rust-Oleum from Crap-mart! This first-class repainting
cost me a little more, ‘cause I paid my son to sand off the rust spots, since
he has the height of a small forward (basketball vernacular) and the wingspan
of an Andean Condor (almost extinct, btw).
Witness the class-transcending
The automobile
began as our friend and playmate, but has bred an army of robot-monsters now actively
working to destroy us. In North Amer’ca, very few folks can go food gathering
without a car. Most think they must own
one; the alternative is to (shudder)
ride a bus with “lower class” humans, or (silently
weep) walk with the lowest classes (or, if well-dressed, be labeled a
“health nut”). Now the mechanical demons are taking over China, India, and the
rest of the world. Our geese are cooked.
Not really the solution. |
One horrifying
fact is that autos produce deadly farts. Another is that if a person drives to
gather food, instead of walking/running/foraging/farming like the prior many
thousand years, they often become afflicted with a condition that cuts across
all class lines: they get “fat.”
addiction is far more deadly than all drug addictions put together. Even if
your body (or car) is a temple, bigger is not better. (Military recruiters
nowadays consider obesity the single biggest problem facing new recruits.)
However, the solution is simple: stop eating crap, and start walking
everywhere. This may be a pain in your butt, but surely less pain than carrying
a hundred extra pounds everywhere for the rest of your life.
Get more mileage out of your pathetic rotting
“flip-flops” with a strip of duct tape!
I prob'ly got another week out of 'em, for $0.00037!
Bad news for
oil/gas companies, their investors, and their lovers/defenders: global warming
is absolute irrefutable fact.
If you are
interested in having an opinion based on science, you might try reading this. Bill McKibben’s work has been consistently correct for 25
years. Most of you won’t read a story this long so I will summarize for you:
we’re screwed. The oil and stuff that’s already “discovered” and “owned” is, by
itself, enough to destroy life as we know it.
We can’t wait
for governments to force us to change our ways. If we want to have a world for
our great-grandchildren, we absolutely must change right now. Stop
driving...stop flying in airplanes (who wants to be groped like a terrorist
anyhow?) Walk or bike to “farmers’ markets” for local food (even so-called
“organic” is often flown and/or trucked long distances.) Pretend like gasoline
is $50 a gallon--because it will be, someday, when its true cost is figured in.
suggests that we end the rule of Big Energy the same way we, as a world, forced
South Africa to end apartheid: sell all stock in these companies. Refuse to do
business with them. Cut ‘em off at the wallet. It can work.
We can stop
driving today, right now. If we don’t rise up against our mechanical masters
and walk, we are all dead!
(Admission of
hypocrisy: This was written while seated by a smoky campfire, having driven to
a camp site, near the biggest copper mine in North America, where I had a job
interview the next day. What a self-righteous ass!
For penance, I
mined aluminum nuggets along the highway for a couple hours. Arizona’s
draconian “open container” law ensures that every rural road is lined with beer
cans, ripe for the harvest.)
Historian Barbara Tuchman (1912-1989):
“…we use incessantly that equally lethal weapon, the
automobile, which kills fifty thousand annually in the United States, not
counting the thousands maimed—a self-inflicted Hiroshima every year. If one
adds to the human casualties the land the automobile has destroyed by highways
and parking lots, the pollution of air by its fumes, the horrors perpetrated
upon the countryside by its gas stations, the choking of cities by its traffic,
it can be reckoned easily the most destructive instrument ever devised by man.
Yet at its inception it was a wonderful instrument of freedom that whirled
people at exhilarating speeds and opened up new realms of movement and travel.
Now it has become a monster of which every person needs one or more, usually
twice the size and horsepower necessary for utility. The proliferation and evil
effects could be controlled, but are not. Everyone suffers, but no one calls a
There is a craziness
about all this, a sense of forces getting out of control, of the machine
running away with man, which is another source of the general uneasiness of
this age.”
From Practicing History
Note on the title, in case it makes no sense: I thought "unrighteous dominion" was a Christian phrase, but when I Googly'd it, discovered it is strictly "Mormon." A wacky, wonderful bunch, from which I am descended. The title refers to me.