Occupy Your Couch;
Change the World By Doing Nothing!
The planet’s economy has always been distorted by the richest men’s manipulations. Their latest ‘trickle-down’ theory was aptly named at least; most of the money floods upwardly. Now, perched upon their hoard, they pretend to wonder why no one else has any money.
When people get mad or hungry enough to march in the streets, they mostly want their jobs back, or a little mercy and justice for the widows, orphans, disabled, and self. Most folks don’t want to change the system, they just want an upgrade, from “Freezing/Near-Starvation” one notch to “Warm Cot/Cold Meal.” Of course, all aspire to “Warm Room/Full Belly.” The Dream.
Therefore, nothing of substance will change. Duh.
To whatever extent a political movement is legitimate, honorable, and non-violent, it will be electronically ridiculed, minimized, negated, and presented in the worst possible light. Surviving ideas will be turned into a commodity, sold, and diluted with mass merchandised pop culture into meaninglessness. (“Organic” farming and “Green” stuff come to mind here.)
Further movement will depend on the depth of fear at the top. Feeling truly threatened, they will instigate violence, which of course must be violently suppressed. Don’t kid yourselves, the cops work for the rich, and they don’t mind cracking a few noggins. You won’t read much about this in the smiley-face cartoon version of history you get in “school.”
Any actual change will be debated in pretended sincerity then diluted into uselessness by bureaucracy.
The masses thrust into poverty by Corporate Governance are too busy to march in the streets anyhow. Most of us have to get up and go to work in the morning, the rest are sick to death of the whole hopeless mess.
But there is Good News: We don’t have to wait for instructions from some “leader.” From the comfort of the couch in our Dilapidated Trailers we, the people, can easily begin the revolution, right now:
Stop Driving! Unplug every Electric thing! Stop Wasting Food! Share! Buy Nothing! Give or Throw Out all your Stuff! Starve Banks, use the Mattress! Life can be so simple. Meanwhile, no matter what, make time to sing and dance anyway, a savage burn on them! Rah Hoo!
Our murderous beast exists only because we keep feeding it. Vote with your empty wallets. Stop giving known criminals your money, no matter how inconvenient. Banks, Energy Conglomerates, and Politicians come to mind first. Think globally, act locally.
Political change is a long difficult task, involving hours of dreadfully boring City Council meetings, reading fat books, and understanding complicated technical details. Hard work, but cops won't hit you. No one in power takes “protesters" seriously, they will allow it until they decide not to.
Meanwhile, we the peeps have got to muster the sense and courage to save ourselves and our communities. If not, we don’t deserve to survive anyhow.
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