Saturday, June 23, 2012

Pity the Pale

The Cheap Dude is smacked-down in the middle of many consecutive 12 hour shifts at the mine. Knowing such days would come, he got permission to use the piece below, and set aside a few photos for:


By Kahentinetha
Editor, Mohawk Nation News 

Dear Brown Majority:  Could you please help us adjust to being the new minority among the brown people on Great Turtle Island?  Signed, the New White Minority.

From the edge of "Grand Canyon National Park" looking east over Navajo Nation land. A few miles west, a government sign at the head of Tanner Trail informs hikers of the local "cultural resources," among other things. Scratched into the metal sign, with a knife or key, was the phrase, "BULLSH*T, THIS IS INDIAN COUNTRY!"

Dear New White Minority:  It’s like déjà vu all over again.  [Yogi Berra].  We were once the majority.  And now we are again.

Great Turtle Island has always been a foreign land to you.  Your children may mix with us and your grandchildren may be brown.

At an all brown school, don’t be afraid of those who don’t look like you.  Bring along some cool European culture and try to mix with us.  We will have whiteness studies programs to raise our racial awareness.

Be aware that brown people have a different way of exercising power.  Everybody is equal and has a voice.  We won’t have curfews to close all-night white restaurants and just keep our diners open.

White affirmative action programs and white workers associations will help you.

Browns dying their hair and skin white to look like you on the screen is offensive!

Segregation breeds mistrust and factions. In the city one race doesn’t hold a majority. Racial tensions in the suburbs will be due to poor housing and anti social behavior.

Whites are leaving indigenous neighborhoods so as not to disappear into the refuse of history.  They will be bussed out of housing projects for poor whites to faraway white schools.

Some tips to help you adjust:
Don’t let offensive racial slurs bother you, like honkey or whitey.  Find leaders who aren’t psychos or idiots, like Glen Beck, Sarah Palin or Stephen Harper.  Don’t resurrect Hitler.  Look to someone inoffensive like Justin Bieber.  Run whiteness studies so we can understand you.  You could lure white immigrants to sneak in illegally to increase your numbers, like Canadians.  They’re the ones who say Eh! Get used to most positions of power being filled by brown people, in business, politics, entertainment.  Learn to clean the houses of brown people.  Don’t be conspicuous in the neighborhood by hanging your curtains with the designs facing outside.

Brown people could adopt white children.

Little Colorado near its mouth. A sacred Hopi site is a little way upstream, where turquoise water gushes out of a sipapu.

Whites don’t have a racially secure homeland.  Europeans are becoming Muslim, converting to Islam and learning Arabic.

Europe is becoming brown.  Whites are becoming poor.  They’re starting to think of themselves as non-white and their continent as belonging to everybody.  Hard work and resources of brown people created this once-upon-a-time entitled people.

Europeans have no sense of kinship with each other.  They think the masses should be policed, managed and robbed, creating basket case countries.

Chris Donovan, New York Times, said, “The less whites think about becoming a minority the better”.

The white economic elites and mainstream media don’t want to talk about this.  The richer are trying to hold onto their money and remain white.  16% of them move out of the US every year.

Like millions you could move to one of those gated communities and send your children to private schools.

Remember, for now, the Bilderbergs are still a bunch of old megalomaniac white geezers.

The future is a world of people of color and colorful people.  So lighten up!

Yours truly, the Brown Majority.

MNN Mohawk Nation News 

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