Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Porcupine Jellyfish Circus

Laugh and Point as the Empire Collapses

Woe to us all when the be-suited goobers begin their baboon-like gibberish. Trade agreements, outsourcing, economic stimulus, every word means the rich will get richer, and you know what happens to the poor. Business runs government now more than ever. They have little idea what they are doing, other than following one simple dictum: make more money.

How brilliant to run government like a business. Instead of the greater good, the goal is to make the Owners rich.

How patriotic of these Owners to move nearly half their factories to other countries in the last ten years. The resulting economic damage to this country is worse than anything any terrorist has ever done. They should buy each laid off U. S. worker a little flag to wave in the food stamp line. "Dictum" indeed!

To try and minimize the damage, bank-like business Owners created a patriotic real estate bubble, the pop of which we inhabit today. Cold and mis-calculated. About a third of my neighborhood lost their job and/or home, and the rest are counting pennies.

Whatever science is behind economics is negated by politics. The whizzes who created the New Depression are still in charge, with the same agenda: make more money, any way possible. If you try to make sense of their statements and actions, one thing becomes clear: they are flying blind, guided only by greed.

So--relax! The whole kitten caboodle is completely out of anyone’s control, as always. (Yes it’s actually “kit and caboodle,” in case anyone feels bamboozled.)

“So then, why hope? Isn’t it just a runaway train, out of control? I don’t think so. I think the out-of-controlness is the most hopeful thing about it! After all, whose control is it out of?! You and I never controlled it in the first place! Why are we anxious about the fact that it’s out of control? I think if it’s out of control, then our side is winning!”

Terence McKenna 1946-2000


Name That Depression

There will be no economic recovery in Europe's--and now the world’s--failed experiment in conquest and pretended democracy. This is the new normal. Ahead, decades of slow downhill.

So what shall we call this Second Great Depression-Like Event? (Maybe we should ask the few surviving geezers who were at the first one. Is anyone listening to them?)

Depression II? Depression Too? The Not-Quite-As-Great? The Lesser--We Pray--Depression? The Intentional Looting of the United States? Decline of the Greedy, the Stupid, and the Working? Survival of the Richest?

No! None of the above! We can call any era by any name: Patriotic Poverty Party. Happy Time Anti-Depression. Fewer Cogs, Lighter Smog. Porcupine Jellyfish Circus. Generation Heck-With-It. The Let It Crumble Decades. Capitalist Freedom Fest. Pollywog Chicken-Scratch. More Fun, Less Crap, Forever.

For a solution to our collective demise, let us turn to the Holy Bible. Leviticus 25 has details. Every 50 years, every debt, public and private, was canceled. Aptly, they called this “Jubilee." Let’s put that to a national vote in our supposed democracy.

   “...spread the good news that what is out of control, what is in fact dying, is a world that had become too top-heavy with its own hubris, too bent by its own false value systems, and too dehumanised to care about what happened to its own children. So I say, good riddance to it! Bring on the archaic revival, and let’s create a new world!”


amy said...

I think at some point we should all just give up and stop working and just party our faces off cause everyone has a bad day when its a work day. so why do we keep going? to give our hard earned money to the man anyways. i dont get it.

The Cheap said...

But the first question when partying is: who's buying?

I work for food, shelter, and to take care of the ones I love including myself. And, yeah, maybe to play a little if anything's left over. The rest is just a bonus.

Short answer: survival.

Long answer, people have to pay attention and get involved. Big pain in the arse.

Thank you for reading and writing!